Cities, Gods and Disasters

Cities, Gods and Disasters: Warnings from the Ancient Greeks Atlantis may be the most widely known glorious city that disappeared into the sea, submerged by an angry Poseidon, ancient Greek god of the oceans and storms. The Atlantis story appeared in the Greek antiquity world, but it captured imaginations far beyond the Mediterranean and into… Continue reading Cities, Gods and Disasters

Athens sets an example for how cities can address extreme heat

Chief Heat Officer of Athens Eleni Myrivili visits Vancouver to speak at a global event* April 2022, Aphrodite Bouikidis This article was originally published in the May 2022 edition (p. 4) of the regional Hellenic newspaper Gnomi. The paper was published from 1988 to August 2022, when editor Kostas Karatsikis passed away. This is in… Continue reading Athens sets an example for how cities can address extreme heat